Traduction en cours

L'Agora est la place publique située devant l'Arène où tout le monde se retrouve pour discuter des combats. On y dénombre de nombreux cafés, où certains habitués ont l'habitude de se réunir et parler de leurs derniers exploits.

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Lun 12 Déc 2022, 23:25

Ben je sais pas. Là j'ai mis Hit. Acuracy c'est pas mal aussi. Je vous laisse en discuter entre spécialistes de la langue anglaise :)
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Mar 13 Déc 2022, 05:47

Ca colle, j'aurais mis ACC plutôt mais ACU ou ACC, c'est assez proche de ACT, je trouve que HIT, finalement, c'est pas mal.
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Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Amra » Jeu 15 Déc 2022, 01:01

HIT c'est ce qu'on croise le plus pour traduire le TOU je pense
Amra, gestionnaire de l'équipe Antinest !
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Inscription: Mer 2 Juin 2010, 09:18

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 17 Déc 2022, 09:56

Encore 50 messages à traduire et 50 de plus en comptant les messages de récompense; ils sont assez courts; plus ceux que je n'ai pas encore reçu.

J'édite le message plus haut jusqu'à la limite de caractères.

Ca avance... :upgrading:

Au passage, si ça intéresse quelqu'un, j'utilise le dictionnaire en ligne WordReference quand je cherche la traduction exacte d'un mot ou ses synonymes.
C'est rapide, efficace et précis.
C'est un anglais parfaitement bilingue qui me l'avais conseillé il y a une décennie (un prof d'anglais/ traducteur).
Pour la petite anecdote, imaginez-vous quelqu'un ressemblant vaguement à Gérard Depardieu, parlant comme lui dans Cyrano et sans aucun accent.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 17 Déc 2022, 16:43

-- -- --MESSAGES DE MOHJA (suite)

--Utilisation des spécialisations de compétences
Skill specializations

Whenever you learn a skill, its tooltip will provide additional information about the skill's specializations.

Rules for acquiring specializations:
- Only one specialization #1 and one specialization #2 for each skill
- A 1st specialization n°1 can be acquired from a level 5 in the corresponding discipline
- A n°1 specialization of a second skill can be acquired from a level 10 in the discipline
- Specialization n°1 of a third skill can be acquired from a level 15 in the discipline
... (and so on)
- A 1st specialization n°2 can be acquired from a level 20 in the discipline
- A 2nd specialization of a second skill can be acquired from a level 25 in the discipline
- specialization n°2 of a third skill can be acquired from a level 30 in the discipline
... (and so on)

--Les Classements

The rankings are very important:
- a bonus is given each month to the best progression of the month in each ranking category (condition: the fighter must exist since the previous month)
- a weekly bonus is given to the teams whose fighters are well ranked: 2 Cr. for the first 50% of each ranking, 3 Cr. for the first 10% of each ranking and 5 Cr. for the first of each ranking.

I therefore recommend you to mobilize the resources of your team to succeed in ranking at least one or two fighters well, in order to benefit from this significant financial contribution.

In the Rankings tab of a fighter, from his character sheet, you'll find more information about his position toward the weekly rankings bonus.

--La mort

Death... you may not think about it yet, but you should...

In my arena, the grim reaper can work when you least expect it. You create super fighters, fast, strong? But if they die before they reach their full potential, what's the point?

Here is my advice: if you want to have a fighter that wins quickly, don't project all your future on it. Instead, create a long-term fighter that can survive to over 5000 days of age without major risk. Then you can invest a lot of money in it.

Death is part of the game. To ignore it could prove to be... fatal!

--Les récompenses - indices (1/10)
Rewards - hints (1/10)

As you may have already discovered, I like to give out rewards!

But how to get the rewards? How do you know what to do?

Start by asking around! Others may have some tips to help you! Ask within your clan!
If not, search, test...

Sometimes you will get some clues. This message contains one:
I like fighters with particular characteristics. I like those who know how to be balanced in every way (but how balanced?) and those who know how to show a specific talent.

Don't worry if you don't find it... Luck and perseverance will be necessary. And, once again, let me emphasize the importance of the clan: searching together multiplies your chances. And older Clans might already have all the answers.

Good luck!
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Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Sam 17 Déc 2022, 18:24

A noter que le tutoriel avec Lukol va beaucoup plus loin. Je ne sais pas si tu as arrêté la traduction exprès ou si tu n'as pas vu la suite ? Ce n'était, je dirais, que 10% du tutoriel, là.

Et sinon, je passais pour dire que pour cette année, je m'arrête. Je reprends en janvier la traduction.
Actuellement, toute la page de "Mon écurie" est traduite, je viens de pousser la dernière mise à jour. Il y a encore du français pour les news et pour le nom de l'équipement (on verra ça plus tard, c'est pas spécifique à la gestion de l'écurie). Par contre j'ai fait en principe tout le reste, y compris des choses que vous ne regardez jamais (passez la souris sur vos Crédits ou vos Fans, dans la page de l'écurie, pour voir !).

Joyeuses fêtes, joyeux Noël à tous ! Et vraiment, un grand merci pour votre enthousiasme et votre envie de partager ce jeu avec d'autres !

Prochaines étapes de traduction en janvier :
1) la page de création du combattant
2) la page du combattant (va y'avoir du taf !). Il faudra que je fasse la partie équipements (au moins la localisation : "main", "pieds", etc.)
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 17 Déc 2022, 19:37


J'ai désactivé le tutorial le jour de mon inscription sur mon compte.

Sur les comptes test, ça avait l'air terminé, ça arrive au compte goutte comme les messages?
Est-ce possible de le réactiver?

Joyeuses fêtes à toi et à tous les joueurs!

Sauf à un qui se reconnaitra. ;)

Résolution pour 2023, ne pas arrêter les blagues pourries. :mrgreen:
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Jeu 22 Déc 2022, 10:39

Traduction du Tutoriel (à priori, la traduction du tutorial est terminée, cette fois :siffloter: )
J'ai ajouté quelques infos ou complété par-ci par là, comme pour le dernier message et aussi parfois dans les messages de Mohja (qui ne sont pas terminés)

Welcome to Challengers, XXX!

I'm Lukol, and I'll help you get your XXX team off to a good start.

You can dismiss me at any time in My Account menu.

In the upper left corner, you'll find general information about your team.
Your team: you already own 200 credits (the game currency).
Your clan - very important, but we'll talk about it later.
And in the upper right corner a button to log out of the game.


Now let's take a closer look at My Team menu and buy your first gladiator!

Look further down in the Fighters sub-menu: you don't have a fighter yet. You need to hire one! And for free!

Click on the "Buy (0 Cr)" button


Here is the character sheet of the fighter you've just equipped.

You can check it anytime from 'My Fighter' Menu (all of your fighter's sheet are available there).

In the Equipment sub-menu you have the possibility to equip any available piece of equipment.

To buy more equipment, go to 'My Team' menu, then equipment and the small red 'buy' button.


Now I'll explain the skills.

Please click on the Skills & Disciplines sub-menu from your fighter's sheet.

There are 2 tables: one for the Disciplines and one for the skills.


What are these Discipline's levels ?
You store hard earned experience points ("Xp") in each disciplines.
Equipments have a discipline level requirement.

Your fighter gains Xp in the 2 currently checked disciplines:
- At the end of each fight
- Every day through fan boost, managed in the column fans from the Fighter's sub-menu in My Team's tab.


Skills are a useful tool in combat.

They are of 2 types:
Passive skills apply their effect at the beginning of the combat round, if the corresponding Discipline is checked.
Active skills apply their effects when they are used in combat. Their use is programmed in the Tactics menu (I'll come back to this later).


The description of the effects of a skill is displayed in a tooltip by hovering the mouse over their name.

Now learn an active skill (the one you want) by clicking on the corresponding level 1 (20 xps) (Training column).

Don't stop at level 1, the best fighters of the arena have some level 50 skills and even more for the very bests but don't despair, you're not going to fight them anytime soon and you'll get there, eventually.
Think twice before spending your fighter's Xp, if you make a mistake (everyone did, don't worry) your fighter will have to stick with it but eventually, you'll earn so much Xp your early mistakes will be meaningless.


Now you might want to fight!

In Challengers, you have to be patient... your opponents and teammates are determined automatically every night, according to the level of glory of the fighters and their temperament.

Then comes the Physical Preparation day, where you can :
- Modify the equipment of your fighter
- Spend your hard earned Xp


The next day, the Tactical Preparation phase takes place: it gives everyone time to prepare their tactics according to the other fighters whose equipped attributes are displayed.

The first round of combat takes place at night. If the fight is not already over, there is a 2nd round and you have a full day to modify your tactics if necessary and the cycle continues (next round is, again, resolved next night, UTC+1 time)
A fight will last from 1 to 3 rounds, if nobody can win after 3 rounds, it's a draw.


As soon as their fight is over, during the nightly combat resolution, fighters will be re-assigned, and start again with another physical preparation phase.

I have just described the fight mode where you face other trainers (real players).

But there is another combat mode!


Check the Missions sub-Menu of your fighter.

Here you will find a list of books, telling a story, in which your fighters will have to win battles with specific objectives in order to advance the story.

In this mode you don't play against real players, so you can start the fights yourself whenever you want and try again if you fail.
If you win, your fighter will have to wait up until the next fight's result to do the next step.


These missions allow you to test your skills as a trainer and help you to improve your tactics by playing them as much as you want.

Be careful, you can't do a mission when you are in tactical preparation day.

Go ahead and try the book Welcome to Mohja's Arena! (click on the OK button).


When you open a new mission book, you must start with chapter 1.

The chapter is represented by a background image and numbered missions appearing on the image as gray (not completed) or green (completed) circles.

You can only click on mission number 1.


When you click on the mission, the story starts, followed by a combat screen, and finally a start sentence and the New button. Clicking on this button will start the battle.

Missions are risk-free: your fighter can't die. Jump in and start the fight!


When you start a mission, you'll see the combat story screen. You will get used to reading it and find the important information!

At the end of a chapter, you will earn an experience bonus.

At the end of a book, you will also earn a piece of equipment.


There is so much more to say... but it's enough to start, you'll learn much more through normal fights, missions and by reading the rules (novice and expert help).

You should join an established clan to get allies in battle, some bonuses and talk about the game through the forum (same login details). There is also a restricted area for each clan available after you join one.

Now click on the My Team menu to return to your team and close the tutorial.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Mar 3 Jan 2023, 22:54

Le tuto se déclenche si on le suit, en remplissant certaines conditions.

Il manque dans le tuto, juste après la création du 1er combattant :

Crée ton premier combattant !

Choisis un Nom sympa, sans oublier de préciser son Genre (Masculin ou Féminin) et une Description qui lui va bien.

Le Tempérament est très important, car il détermine quels types de combat il va plutôt faire (coopératif ? duel ? ...). Pour en savoir plus, passe la souris sur le titre "Tempérament".

Je pars là-dessus :
Create your first fighter!

Choose a nice name, not forgetting to specify its Gender (Male or Female) and a Description that suits your fighter.

The Temperament is very important, because it determines which types of combat it will rather do (cooperative? duel? ...). To learn more, mouse over the title "Temperament".

Je te laisse les trads des autres :
Ajuste les valeurs caractéristiques de ton combattant. A-t-il de très bons réflexes, une faible résistance... ? Passe la souris sur chacune pour avoir une courte description.

ENE est spéciale : elle est consommée par les équipements portés. Une faible ENE permet donc de porter peu d'équipements. Mais s'équiper coûte cher... à toi de voir !

Choisis une caractéristique privilégiée : elle sera plus facile à augmenter avec les points d'expérience gagnés.

Passe la souris sur la liste déroulante pour plus de détail.

Plus qu'une chose et c'est bon !

Le bonus de départ permet d'avoir des points d'expérience à dépenser tout de suite sur le combattant :
les points d'entrainement servent à améliorer les caractéristiques
les points de voie servent à acheter des compétences

Quand tout est bon, clique sur le bouton "Créer (0 Cr)"
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Mer 4 Jan 2023, 13:41

Et voilà :

Create your first fighter!

Choose a cool name, pick its Gender (Male or Female) and add a suitable description.

The gladiator's disposition (Temper/Temperament) is very important. It determines which types of fights it will rather go for (cooperative? duel? ...). To learn more, mouse over "disposition".

Adjust the characteristics of your fighter. Does he have very good reflexes but low resistance... ? Mouse over each one to get a short description.

ENE is special: it is consumed by the equipment worn. A high ENE allows to wear many equipments. But equipment is expensive... You'll have to make tough choices!

Choose a privileged characteristic : its level up cost will be halved. If ENE is privileged, all other characteristics costs will be doubled through, because ENE is that powerful if you can afford to fully equip an ENE gladiator.

Move the mouse over the drop-down list for more details.

One more thing and you're done!

The starting bonus gives you experience points to spend on the fighter right away:
Training points are used to improve characteristics
Discipline points are used to buy and improve skills

When everything is set, click on the "Create (0 Cr)" button
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Jeu 5 Jan 2023, 21:14

Merci. J'ai pas compris pour "Disposition" "Temper" et "Temperament". J'avais l'impression que Tempérament et Temperament, c'était la même chose. Du coup, c'est pas "'Disposition" le mot que je pensais utiliser, mais Temperament. Toi, c'est "disposition" que tu recommandes, c'est ça ?
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Ven 6 Jan 2023, 07:28

En effet, il me semble que Disposition décris le mieux les termes utilisés (asocial, chevaleresque, équipier motivé, ... ) alors que Temperament décrirait plutôt des traits de caractère tels que coléreux, timide, etc.
Mais c'est pour pinailler, les deux sont compréhensible et d'ailleurs, Temper serait le plus mauvais choix des trois, à mon avis.
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Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Dim 8 Jan 2023, 18:00

Merci pour ton explication. Je vais garder temparement, je pense, ce serait beaucoup plus simple pour moi. Je crains de me mélanger les pinceaux avec le terme "disposition".
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 14 Jan 2023, 10:22

Suite des messages, indices 2 à 10

Achievements - hints (2/10)

To be acclaimed for a victory is obviously what all fighters aspire to. It's like a drug! And the public gets hooked: they love to see their favorite fighters win and win again!

For this reason, I sometimes reward those who have won at least as many times as they have lost.


Achievements - hints (3/10)

You'll be rewarded if one of your fighters reach the top rank and for each Rankings.

There is no award for the best progression.

Achievements - hints (4/10)

Awards #16 to #29 are related to your team.

Beware, awards #17 to #29 can only be earned if your team meets certain conditions, and you have been to your team tab at that time. If your team meets the requirements but you did not go to "my team" at that time, you may miss the reward.


Achievements - hints (5/10)

The rewards n°1 to n°15, n°30 to n°40 and n°46 to n°48 are related to your fighters.

Some of them are combat achievements, some are related to fighter's characteristics, some to combat statistics and some to rankings.


Achievements - hints (6/10)

The rewards n°3, 4 and 5 correspond to a combination of victories and defeats directly linked to dates which are dear to me... Try and find out more!


Achievements - hints (7/10)

I hope you've already collected many rewards! Some of them are really hard to get and require a lot of patience.

Have you already won reward #45? If not, then I recommend you to win a tournament...


Achievements - hints (8/10)

Maybe you already knew that. The clan awards go from #41 to #44. The last three are all sponsor related.


Achievements - hints (9/10)

Reward #10 is indeed linked to the number of wins... Courage!
And don't forget that you must have at least as many wins as losses...


Achievements - hints (10/10)

Here we are at the last clue... listen carefully.

Reward #23 holds the key to #24. You'll be right to be negative when you get this key...

There are 3 rewards for equal characteristics of your fighter and 4 rewards for extreme characteristics.

Reward #46 is obtained by ranking at least a number of your fighters in the top 20 glories.

The #47 requires having a fighter who accumulates a certain number of victories without ever having inflicted a ko.

The next one rewards the killing of a large number of fighters.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 21 Jan 2023, 10:52

-- Courage, vous allez y arriver!
Courage, you will get there!

Your fighter starts with a first defeat?

Don't worry, it's going to be alright. Keep at it!

One more tip: for your first fighters, choose aggressive profiles. You'll see later how to train effective support fighters whom win their fights. For now, stay with the basics: a steady hand hitting hard and fast!

Courage, you'll get there!

You still don't have 3 fighters ???

Don't forget to save money ! You will feel more comfortable when you have 4 or 5 fighters. In the meantime, focus on improving your hosting and acquiring new fighters!

Courage, you'll get there!

You still don't have 4 fighters ???

I want to help you again, but this is the last time. Don't spend these credits in any way! Get bigger!

-- Un cadeau pour vous!
A present for you!

You have been here for two days...

Be patient and focus. If you want to progress quickly, it is important that you start well.

Be careful, this gift can be cumbersome for your limited storage space... If you equip one of your fighters with it and didn't upgrade your storage space (1 slot), you will not be able to unequip it. So, it is possible to overload:
- gift from me (it's nice, isn't it?)
- death (not so good...) of one of your fighters : the equipment he was wearing goes back into your reserve, even if it exceeds his capacity.

A gift for you !

You have been here for six days...

Don't forget to get help from other Teams. Joining a clan is highly recommended. Participating in a tournament can also be a great way to get started, thanks to the risk bonus. (ce n'est plus le cas avec les tournois actuels à 4 participants, une nouvelle écurie se fait rétamer et la prime de risque est insignifiante)

A gift for you!

You have been here for 15 days...

If you have followed my advice, you have saved money to improve your accommodation and increase the number of fighters in your team.

You're probably eager to buy some equipment for your fighters...

A gift for you!

You have been here for 30 days...

I found this in my basement and thought you might like it...

A gift for you!

You have been here for 60 days...

60 days, and you are still here, running your team. I am glad that you are staying with us. I am sure you will have a long career among us! Allow me to give you a small gift, as a token of friendship.

First victory
Congratulations on your first victory!

A victory brings much more than a defeat, but you will see later that duels, even with a victory, bring less than the other types of combat (challenge, survivor...).
For the moment, you'll notice your team earned some crédits from your victory and your fighter has earned some experience for both his chosen disciplines (Which you can use to buy or improve skills when you have reached a sufficient level), and training points you can now use to improve his characteristics.

5 victories !

Your fighter has won 5 fights!

Sometimes, I will join you to celebrate such events and grant you a reward.
It is important to celebrate happy events!

10 victories !

Your fighter has won 10 fights !

You've already grown so much since your arrival. Your fighters too. But this is just the beginning! It's a long way to become a real star of the Eternal Arena !
But let's not talk about the future and let's focus on the present: go celebrate in a small restaurant with your fighters. I've booked a table for you at Le Poney Maigrichon. Have fun!

15 wins!

Your fighter has won 15 fights!

Keep it up and you'll be training champions!

However, I have to tell you... from now on, I will come back to congratulate you only if you have a fighter whom got at least twice as many wins as losses.

At 20 wins (and therefore 10 losses or less), I will come back to congratulate you and this time, I will invite you to a very good restaurant!

20 wins!

Your fighter has won 20 victories!

As promised, I'll invite you to a very good restaurant! ...
Hum, excuse me, I had forgotten that today I already had an appointment scheduled ...

Listen, I'll book a table for you at the Rising Star Cabaret and you'll go without me. I'll join you for a future occasion, I promise!

30 wins!

Your fighter has won 30 victories!

30 victories, and less than 15 defeats, bravo!

This time, I'm sure: you will become one of our greatest champions! You're on the right way!

40 victories!

Your fighter has won 40 victories!

This time, as promised, tonight is the big night! I'll invite you and your fighters for a crazy night at the Paradisio Coco !

I'll take this opportunity to teach your champion a few things that could be useful to him.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Ven 27 Jan 2023, 18:57

De mon côté, j'ai terminé la page de création de glad (mais pas encore publié, donc vous ne pourrez pas la voir en anglais).
J'ai attaqué un très gros morceau : la fiche du combattant. Rien que sur cette page, j'en ai pour plusieurs semaines (là, je suis arrivé au niveau des radars, j'ai fait le haut).
Je ne cesserai de le dire, c'est fou le nombre de choses à traduire. Vous n'en voyez pas la moitié... Entre les messages d'erreur (de contrôler, pour éviter la triche ou la mauvaise manip), les textes qui apparaissent en info-bulle un peu partout, les textes qui apparaissent que selon certaines conditions, etc.
Par exemple, rien que pour envoyer un message à son clan ou son allié, j'ai pleins de textes différents : avec aucun membre du clan, un seul ou plusieurs, aucun allié, un ou plusieurs... et d'ailleurs "ally" au pluriel c'est "allies", et ça c'est super pénible, ça m'oblige à mettre des tests dans mon code en fonction de la langue, et c'est moche.

Tout ça pour dire que ça avance, j'y consacre bien 3-4h par semaine, au moins.
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Ven 27 Jan 2023, 19:40

Ce sont les tableaux et les petits trucs qui sont les plus emmerdant à traduire, c'est sûr!

Bon courage, c'était dur de s'y remettre en janvier mais je reprends le rythme là. :upgrading:
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Sam 28 Jan 2023, 00:01

J'ai mis à jour tout ce que j'avais fait jusque là, sauf les radars car j'ai un doute et je ne voudrais pas tout planter...
N'hésite pas à tester (notamment "mon écurie") en changeant la langue dans les options de "mon compte".
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 28 Jan 2023, 06:51

Mohja a écrit:J'ai mis à jour tout ce que j'avais fait jusque là, sauf les radars car j'ai un doute et je ne voudrais pas tout planter...
N'hésite pas à tester (notamment "mon écurie") en changeant la langue dans les options de "mon compte".

Petite erreur dans le nombre de victoires sur la feuille d'un combattant :

46 victorys / 2 draws / 8 defeats

victories au lieu de victorys.

Ensuite, dans Mon écurie/améliorations:

En bas, dans la chaine d'amélioration combattant, sur Enhanced training > Première phrase (win à remplacer par earn et to à remplacer par for, ou sinon, remplacer la première phrase par:

Each day, a selected fighter will earn +1xp of training.

Le reste fonctionne mais j'ai pu en rater, je referais un passage sur tous les onglets un peu plus tard.


Dans la page personnages, en haut à droite, le lien vers le combat précédent:

(view the last fight)

J'écrirais plutôt (Previous fight) ou (View the previous fight)
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 28 Jan 2023, 16:33

Suite des messages de Mohja

--Apprenti dans la Voie de la Survie
Apprentice in the Survival Discipline

You're taking the long and difficult path of Survival for the first time.

This Path will give your fighter the skills and equipment to push the limits of life and death. If you master it, your fighter may live forever, or at least get through 10 000 days in the arena.

Its interest is limited in the first years of your fighter, whom, thanks to his youth has little risk of dying, it becomes essential for experienced fighters who do not want to see their long career end with the blow of the first youngster who goes by... Therefore, it should not be neglected, especially for fighters who spend a lot of time in recovery.

--Initié dans la Voie de la Survie
Initiate in the Survival Discipline.

Maolo Pomo, the Survival Master, told me that one of your fighters has just become an initiate. As this is your first fighter reaching this level, he is going to accept him into his school, in order to help him progress.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

--Compétent dans la Voie de la Survie
Skilled in the Survival Discipline.

Maolo Pomo, the Master of the Survival Discipline, told me that one of your fighters is now quite skilled. As he is your first fighter to reach this level, he will receive extensive instruction from an expert.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

--Expérimenté dans la Voie de la Survie
Experienced in the Survival Dsicipline

Maolo Pomo, the Survival Master of the Way of Survival, tells me that one of your fighters has just become an expert. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level and people of this quality are rare, he is going to teach him himself.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

--Maître de la Voie de la Survie
Master of the Survival Discipline

Maolo Pomo, the Survival Master, told me that one of your fighters has just reached his level: your fighter has become a Master himself!
He will tell him his last secret before letting him continue to progress by himself: it seems that one can still improve. Some masters would have reached almost divine levels...

Congratulations for these many efforts !

--Grand Maître de la Voie de la Survie
Grandmaster of the Way of Survival

Everyone recognizes your fighter's knowledge: Today is a great day, because the Masters of the Survival Discipline consider your fighter to have surpassed their level. He becomes one of the very few to be called a Grand Master!

My heartfelt congratulations! I bow to your ability to guide your fighter to such knowledge!

-- Demi-dieu de la Voie de la Survie
Demigod of the Survival Discipline.

Your fighter is a Legend, a Myth... Common folks bow to him and thank the Heavens for having crossed his path!

Really, I am so proud that he fights in my arena!
Dernière édition par Atanarjuat le Sam 4 Fév 2023, 08:54, édité 3 fois au total.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Sam 28 Jan 2023, 20:26

Atanarjuat a écrit:
Mohja a écrit:J'ai mis à jour tout ce que j'avais fait jusque là, sauf les radars car j'ai un doute et je ne voudrais pas tout planter...
N'hésite pas à tester (notamment "mon écurie") en changeant la langue dans les options de "mon compte".

Petite erreur dans le nombre de victoires sur la feuille d'un combattant :

46 victorys / 2 draws / 8 defeats

victories au lieu de victorys.

Ensuite, dans Mon écurie/améliorations:

En bas, dans la chaine d'amélioration combattant, sur Enhanced training > Première phrase (win à remplacer par earn et to à remplacer par for, ou sinon, remplacer la première phrase par:

Each day, a selected fighter will earn +1xp of training.

Le reste fonctionne mais j'ai pu en rater, je referais un passage sur tous les onglets un peu plus tard.


Dans la page personnages, en haut à droite, le lien vers le combat précédent:

(view the last fight)

J'écrirais plutôt (Previous fight) ou (View the previous fight)

Merci. J'ai corrigé tout ça.
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Sam 28 Jan 2023, 23:38

Mise à jour avec le boulot du jour... j'en suis arrivé aux voies.
On verra plus tard pour les compétences... (gloups)

PS : pour les "radars" des combattants, il me faudra un peu de temps pour trouver la bonne solution (c'est pas si simple, car j'avais fait une astuce pour charger plus rapidement les radars, qui complique la "traduction").
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Dim 29 Jan 2023, 10:10

J'ai remarqué encore quelques petits trucs listés ci-dessous:

Feuille du personnage, Voies/Disciplines (tableau tout en haut), Info-bulle: Equip: essentially endurance/reflex/etc type --> mostly endurance/resistance/agility/reflex et je ne pense pas que type soit nécessaire, puis balanced pour la voie des lames.
Apparemment, ce sont des info-bulles qu'on a pas en version française.

Info-bulle DMG: To inflict damage(s)
Pas de s, avec le s, la traduction est plus "dommages et intérêts"
Pour une touche d'humour, je mettrai plutôt: To do harm

Info-bulle dans l'espace des radars, sur le nom d'un gladiateur: 1201d aged
Je trouve ça un poil étrange, pourquoi pas days of service ou days of seniority en toutes lettres s'il y a suffisamment de place?
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Dim 29 Jan 2023, 10:49

OK, merci pour ta relecture attentive. J'ai corrigé. Et il y avait bien une infobulle en français, j'avais un bug que j'ai corrigé aussi.
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Sam 4 Fév 2023, 09:11

-- Apprenti dans la Voie de la Défense
Apprentice in the Defense Discipline

You're taking the long and difficult defense path for the first time.

This Path will give your fighter the skills and equipment to last longer against your opponents. If you master it, your fighter might become as tough as an oak.

-- Initié dans la Voie de la Défense
Initiate in the Defense Discipline

Astur Fort, a Master of the Defense Discipline, told me that one of your fighters has just become an initiate. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level, he is going to accept him into his school to help him progress.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Compétent dans la Voie de la Défense
Proficient in the Defense Discipline

Astur Fort, the Master of the Defense Discipline, told me that one of your fighters is now competent. Since he is your first fighter to reach this level, he will receive extensive instruction from an expert in this Way.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Expérimenté dans la Voie de la Défense
Experienced in the Defense Discipline

Astur Fort, the Master of the Defense Discipline, tells me that one of your fighters has just become an expert. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level and people of this quality are rare, he is going to teach him himself.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Maître de la Voie de la Défense
Master of the Defense Discipline

Astur Fort, the Master of the Defense Discipline, tells me that one of your fighters has just reached his level: your fighter has become a Master!
He confided a last secret to him before letting him continue to progress by himself: it seems that one can still improve. Some masters would have reached almost divine levels...

Congratulations for these numerous efforts !

-- Grand Maître de la Voie de la Défense
Grand Master of the Defense Discipline

Everyone recognizes your fighter's knowledge: today is a great day, because the Masters of the Defense Discipline consider that your fighter has surpassed their level. He becomes one of the very few to be called a Grand Master!

My heartfelt congratulations! I bow to your ability to guide your fighter to such knowledge!

-- Apprenti dans la Voie de l'Illusion
Apprentice in the Illusion Discipline

This is the first time that you and a fighter have begun the long and difficult and deceitful path of Illusion.

This discipline will provide your fighter with the skills and equipment to disrupt your opponent and therefore better dodge and hit him. Beware of this Path, it could corrupt your fighter and make him deceitful and a bad loser! All is appearance... say the masters of this Way.

-- Initié dans la Voie de l'Illusion
Initiate in the Illusion Discipline

Fhu Shii, a Master of the Illusion Discipline, warned me that one of your fighters had just become an initiate. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level, he deigns to accept him into his school, in order to help him progress.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Compétent dans la Voie de l'Illusion
Proficient in the Illusion Discipline

Fhu Shii, the Master of the Illusion Discipline, told me that one of your fighters is a competent. As he is your first fighter to reach this level, he will have the chance to receive secret teaching from an expert of this Way.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Expérimenté dans la Voie de l'Illusion
Experienced in the Illusion Discipline

Fhu Shii, the Master of the Illusion Discipline, told me that one of your fighters has just become an expert. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level and people of this quality are rare, he will stoop to teach him himself.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Maître de la Voie de l'Illusion
Master of the Illusion Discipline

Fhu Shii, the Master of the Illusion Discipline, was in a very bad mood when he told me that one of your fighters had just reached his level: your fighter has become a Master of Illusions!
However, he told him a last secret before letting him continue to progress by himself: it seems that one can still improve. Some masters would have reached almost divine levels...

Congratulations for these numerous efforts !

-- Grand Maître de la Voie de l'Illusion
Grand Master of the Illusion Discipline

Everyone recognizes your fighter's knowledge: today is a great day, because the Masters of the Illusion Discipline consider that your fighter has surpassed their level, and it takes a lot to impress them! So he becomes one of the very few to be called a Grand Master!

My sincere congratulations! I bow to your ability to guide your fighter to such knowledge!
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Mer 1 Mar 2023, 08:38

Mohja > Il manque des messages de voies et sans doute pas mal d'autres messages aussi.
Reste les récompenses > En privé? Sur le forum des Vieux?
Je peux aussi m'atteler aux règles expert.
Dis-moi s'il y a autre chose que je peux traduire.
A priori, les règles, ça va aller assez vite.

Suite des messages:

-- Apprentice in the Time discipline
This is the first time you start with a fighter on the long and difficult path of Time.

This discipline will give your fighter the skills and equipment to act faster and anticipate your opponents' actions (which can help you in your attacks or dodges). The fighters who master this discipline are often people with explosive temperaments, very difficult to understand.

-- Initiate in the Time discipline

Quilian She-Vertoz, a Master of the Time discipline, warned me that one of your fighters had just become an initiate in this discipline. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level, he deigns to accept him into his school, in order to help him progress.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Competent in the Way of Time

Quilian She-Vertoz, the Master of the Time discipline, told me that one of your fighters was a competent person. As he is your first fighter to reach this level, he will have the chance to receive secret teaching by an expert of this discipline.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Apprentice in the Blades discipline

For the first time you start with a fighter on the long and difficult path of the Blades.

This Path will provide your fighter with the skills and equipment needed to take on your opponents (essentially hitting and injuring them). The fighters who master this discipline are often violent people, best seen from a distance.

-- Initiate in the Blades discipline

Algol De Monluc, a Master of the Blades discipline, warned me that one of your fighters had just become an initiate in this discipline. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level, he deigns to accept him into his school, in order to help him progress.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Competent in the Blades discipline

Algol De Monluc, the Master of the Blades discipline, told me that one of your fighters was a competent person. As he is your first fighter to reach this level, he will have the chance to receive secret instruction from an expert of this discipline.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Experienced in the Blades discipline

Algol De Monluc, the Master of the Blades discipline, has told me that one of your fighters has just become an expert. As this is the first fighter of yours to reach this level and people of this quality are rare, he will stoop to teach him himself.

Congratulations, this will give him a good boost!

-- Master of the Blades discipline

Algol De Monluc, the Master of the Blades discipline, in a very bad mood, told me that one of your fighters had just reached his level: your fighter has become a Master in the Blades discipline!
However, he told him a last secret before letting him continue to progress by himself: it seems that one can still improve. Some masters would have reached almost divine levels...

Congratulations for these numerous efforts !

-- Grand Master of the Blades discipline

Everyone recognizes your fighter's knowledge: today is a great day, because the Masters of the Blades discipline consider that your fighter has surpassed their level, and it takes a lot to impress them! So he becomes one of the very few to be called Grand Master!

My sincere congratulations! I bow to your ability to guide your fighter to such knowledge!
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Jeu 9 Mar 2023, 08:14

Aide Expert.

A - Introduction
(table of contents) <-- Lien vers le sommaire

A1 - What is this game about?
The primary goal is to win day-to-day fights.

There's different (overlapping) game goals, depending on what you like the most:
- be the best in the prestigious rankings (fighter, team, clan)
- discover all the possibilities of the game (unlock high level skills, for example)
- managing your team and clan to get the most expensive equipment as fast as possible
- have fun finding tactics or combinations with your teammates to win difficult fights
- collect all the 50 unique rewards
- win a tournament
- win the clash of clans
- take your clan to the top
- write a great book (storyteller profile only)
- Participate in the Challengers Gazette and become famous also thanks to your prose

You couls also aime higher:
- become the best trainer in the arena, crush your enemies and win most of the tournaments and clash of clans, get most of your fighters in the top 10 of the most famous gladiators, become a Legend.

A2 - Content of this help
The expert help is very technical.
If you are a beginner, start by reading the novice help (change your help setting in "my account", section "settings") and familiarize yourself with the game. You can come back to the expert help later when you have more specific questions.

B - The clan

B1 - Joining / Leaving a clan
You can join a clan if it :
- has not reached the limit of 12 members
- is not n°1 in the clan ranking
- will not become n°1 in the clan ranking with the addition of the glory of the applying member

You can leave a clan if :
- you are a simple member of the clan
- you are a clan manager and there is at least one other clan manager
- you are a clan manager and the only member of the clan (the clan will then be permanently deleted)
Note that you can also be excluded by a clan manager, even if you are a manager yourself.

Accept a new member, exclude a member, promote a member to manager... Menu "My clan", tab "Members", columns "Member" and "Manager". If you are a manager, you can act on all members, otherwise you can only act on yourself (to leave the clan).

B2 - Content of clan improvements
This information is to be discovered by yourself.

B3 - Clan fight: registration
- Any clan manager member can register any fighter from his clan
- Only one fighter can be registered per team
- The number of teams per clan is limited to a number fixed at the opening of the inscriptions for a new fight; it is between 2 and 8
- The maximum glory of each fighter is limited to a figure fixed at the opening of the registrations and included between 40 and 800
- ATTENTION : the registration to the tournament prevails on the registration to the clan fight. This means that a fighter can be forfeited to a clan fight in order to participate in the tournament.
- The fighters registered for the clan fight will be declared forfeit of their current fight if the next day is the day of the beginning of the clan fight (physical preparation phase)
- The date of the beginning of the fight corresponds to the day when the fighters will be in physical preparation of the clan fight
- 2 days before the fight start date, the participants are in "blocked challenge", that is to say that they will not start another fight while waiting for the clan fight

B4 - Clash of the clans : procedure
- you can't die
- The victorious clan wins 100 Credits
- the victorious fighters win more than in a classic team survivor (see Info and stats, section Game settings -> Fighting winnings, after the footnotes)
- From the 2nd round on, the audience starts to intervene. As the audience is irrational, their interventions are rather random. However, their interventions will get stronger and stronger during the following rounds. More details below.

B5 - Clash of the clans: audience intervention
Public intervention
- Public bonus for the whole team if in the previous round, at least one fighter of the team (still standing at the beginning of this round) has made a ko
- Malus from the public for all the team if in the previous round, at least one fighter of the team (still standing at the beginning of this round) made a ko.

C - Your team

C1 - Team glory: how to increase it?
- by expanding your team ("My team", tab "Improvements", Accommodation)
- by earning rewards
- thanks to the growing fame of your fighters (see C2 - team glory: impact of the fighters' glory)

C2 - Team glory: impact of fighter glory
How the fighter's glory increases the team's glory:
Every 20 in glory, the fighter crosses a threshold (at 20, threshold=1, at 40, threshold=2, etc.).
For the glories lower than 150, the team gains (threshold)² in glory with each crossing of threshold.
For glories above 150, the team gains (threshold * 2) in glory for each threshold crossing.
If the fighter goes below the threshold again, the team loses nothing. If the fighter goes above the threshold, the team doesn't gain anything either.

How the fighter's glory can diminish the team's:
When the fighter dies, the team loses, depending on the fighter's glory:
* glory 0-19: no change
* 20-39 glory: no loss (1 fan is kept)
* glory 40-59 : no loss (we keep 5 fans)
* glory 60-79: no loss (we keep 14 fans)
* 80-99 glory: loss of 10 fans (we keep 20 fans)
* glory 100-119 : loss of 30 fans (we keep 25 fans)
* glory 120-139 : loss of 61 fans (we keep 30 fans)
* glory 140-159 : loss of 105 fans (we keep 35 fans)
* glory 160-179 : loss of 116 fans (we keep 40 fans)
and so on (we keep + 5 fans for each additional rank)
When the fighter is sold, the team loses all the glory brought by the fighter

You will find this information in a tooltip on the name of your fighters in your team page, if your fighters have exceeded 20 in glory

C3 - Team Glory: Fan Groups
As soon as your team has reached 20 fans, you can assign fan groups to your fighters (page "my team", tab "Fighters", buttons appear to distribute the fan groups).
This gives your fighter 1 discipline xp per fan group each day, in his two selected lanes.
If you have several points to distribute (from 40 fans), you can put them all on the same fighter or distribute them on several fighters.
Attention, every 20 fan groups, you need 20 more fans to constitute a fan group.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Lun 20 Mar 2023, 11:26

D - The fighters

D1 - Characteristics and attributes
The attributes are calculated from the characteristics: The exact formulas are to be discovered by yourself. Most older clans would provide this information to their members.

Cost of improvement of a characteristic:
REF, SOU, PUI, RES or END into a privileged characteristic:
- cost of increasing the privileged characteristic: upper rounding of ( current carac + 1 ) / 2
- cost of increase of REF, SOU, PUI, RES or END not privileged : current carac + 1
- cost of increasing ENE: current carac * 2
ENE as preferred characteristic :
- cost of increasing the preferred characteristic: current value + 1
- cost to increase REF, SOU, PUI, RES or END : current carac * 2

D2 - Disciplines, skills and specializations
Description of skills and specializations: This information is to be discovered by yourself. Most older clans would provide this information to their members.

Acquisition of specializations :
o every 5 levels (in a Discipline), a level 1specialization can be acquired
o upon reaching level 20 in a discipline and every 5 level thereafter, you'll be able to pick a level 2 specialization.
o each skill can only have one level 1 specialization and one level 2 specialization

D3 - Equipment
Equipment can be equipped by a fighter only if :
- the fighter is not in the tactical preparation phase
- the fighter has the required level in the related discipline
- there is enough slots left on the body part to equip it
- the fighter still has enough energy available
- the fighter is not already wearing the same equipment.

If the fighter is sold or dies, the equipment is not lost: it goes back into the team's storage. If the storage is "overflowing", some equipment may not appear. You may have to expand your storage to access it.

In case of negative energy, your fighter is automatically completely unequipped (except during tactical preparation phases). It is up to you to re-equip him within the limits of his current available ENE.

D4 - Seniority
Physical" age of your fighter since his first day in the Arena.

How does the age go up:
* +5 days for each real day
* +x days if your fighter's fan xps exceed the average of 5 discipline xp per day
* +x days at the end of each fight: the greater of [from 1 (unharmed) to 25 (KO to 0 alive) or more (KO to -y alive)] and [from 1 (not tired) to 15 (0 tired), or more (+1 per "fatigue hit" and +min(10,round up(nb fights/5)) on a ko of fatigue)], to which is added the overshoot of the survival threshold (overshoot of x alive beyond survival = +x days) and the effect of the aging super-competence. ..
* Note that the values of life threshold (25) and fatigue (15) are the maximum values. They can be lower for fighters with few fights : 2 + (number of fights)/4 for life ; 1 + (number of fights)/5 for fatigue

**Recovery days limits might not be up to date.

Effects of seniority:
* probability of surviving by X%, based on 160%, where X decreases by 1 for every 100 days of seniority, and based on exceeding the survival threshold.
For more info on death, see D5 - Death.
* bonus / malus : bonus obtained every 100 days during the first fifteen years (= 5500 days of seniority in the arena), then malus, the age starting to weight on the fighter's shoulders. The decline from gains to malus is gradual and some bonuses may still appear.

* fighter's sheet : if you move your mouse over the number of days of seniority indicated on the fighter's sheet, a tooltip is displayed with the real date of creation of the fighter and the history of gains obtained thanks to his seniority.
* combat: at the end of the combat, you can see the age taken by your fighter (recovery days all included, except the +5 basic days)
* list of fighters: you can see the age of all the fighters and possibly sort by age.

Count that at the end of one year, your fighter will generally have between 3000 and 7000 days of seniority.

D5 - Death
To die, you must meet all the following conditions:
* get KO'ed with a wound > your global survival (survival +/- skills effects, yours and your opponents'). Example: life at -15 and survival at -10 (including bonuses and malus)
* fail his survival test : {160 - min(0, [life - survival]) - [(the fighter's seniority / 100) rounded down]} % chance of survival
* example : life at -15, survival at -10, that is to say a differential of 5 ; seniority of 1500 days, that is to say 15 of differential of seniority. That makes 160 - 15 - 5 = 140% chance of survival (as long as it is higher than 100%, there is no risk of dying)
* not to fall into one of the exclusion conditions mentioned below

Exclusion conditions. One does not die if :
- you participate in a tournament
- you participate in a clash of clans
- you carry out a mission
- you have been killed by a member of your clan or a member of an allied clan
- his team was founded less than 120 days ago.

When a fighter dies :
- he goes into a "dead" state
- the day after his death, he remains visible in the team's roster but cannot be sold anymore
- the following night, he is permanently removed from the game. The equipment he was wearing returns to the team's storage (even if there is not enough space). The fighter's name will be reusable by anyone.
- the glory of the team can be decreased according to the fighter's fame (see technical FAQ for more info).

Finally, there is death by "old age": when a fighter reaches a very high age, the malus can put him in negative on an Attribute. In this case, if he spends a night in negative, following a day of recovery or free, the fighter will die. To avoid this, it is necessary to raise his attribute to 0 or more.
Remember to watch your fighters when they take a malus in an attribute!
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Mer 29 Mar 2023, 10:21

E - Tactics

E1 - Basics
1) Tactics are solved from n°4 (the most important) to n°1, then default
2) Tactics are in the form "from the moment when (condition), then I (action) on (target)".
3) If a condition has been fulfilled, the corresponding action and targeting remain applied even if it is no longer fulfilled, as long as another condition is not fulfilled
4) The targeting tactic is checked before each action.
5) If no opponent matches the target's criteria (e.g. an assailant), the next condition is checked
6) The default tactic is used if no condition is met and no targeting was already in progress, or no targeting within the met conditions is possible

E2 - On which value is the condition calculated?
If the condition is based on % of life or % of fatigue, we check that the value is less than or equal to [current attribute of a combatant / combatant's starting attribute ] %.

If the condition is made on an attribute (Obtainable from the Team/improvement panel), we look for the closest targeting value with the ratio [current attribute of a fighter / greatest attribute of all fighters at the beginning of the round (excluding homunculus and skill bonus) ] %.

In other words, when you use a capitalized name (ACT, ESQ...), you are referring to the percentage shown on the combat radars. The values can change during the fight if they are modified permanently, i.e. from one round to another.

For example, if you condition on %ARM, you condition on the value displayed on the radar. This value will not change with modifiers that do not apply from one round to the next, such as the hardening bonus or the malus of full attack (attaque à fond). However, this value will change if it is modified from one round to the next, for example with the Destroyer specialty of the brutal attack skill. The modifiers due to the audience and those due to fatigue (when you reach a negative fatigue) also impact this value (for fatigue, it is ESQ, TOU and DEG). Finally, LIFE and FAT being modified from one round to another, their value also changes.

E3 - On what value is the targeting criterion calculated?
If the targeting is done on %intact or %fatigued, we look for the closest targeting value with the ratio [current attribute / attribute at the beginning of the fight before skill bonus] %.
In this case, this corresponds to the ratio between the current value of the fighter and the one he should normally have at the beginning of the fight.

If the targeting is done on an attribute (%ACT, %ESQ...), we look for the closest targeting value with the ratio [the current attribute / (greatest attribute of the beginning of the round before possible bonus by the passive skills and except attribute of homunculus) ] %.

In this case, this corresponds to the values displayed on the radars. From round to round, these % may change depending on the highest value of the combatants' attributes.

For example, targeting %ARM is initially targeting the value displayed on the radar. This value will not change with modifiers that do not apply from round to round, such as the hardening bonus or the malus of attacking hard. However, this value will change if it is modified from one round to the next, for example with the Destroyer specialty of full attack. The modifiers due to the audience and those due to fatigue (when you reach a negative fatigue) also impact this value (for fatigue, it is ESQ, TOU and DEG). Finally, LIFE and FAT being modified from one round to another, their value also changes.

E4 - Picking a target: general principle
When combatant A must act, he starts to target an opponent according to the tactics you defined.
The targeting is defined in the tactical interface and corresponds to the tactic activated at a given moment by a condition that has been met or to the default tactic.
The aim of targeting is to decide who the combatant A will turn to, among several potential targets.
The potential targets are defined by groups criterion. For example: "an opponent", "a teammate", "an opponent outside the clan"...
Each potential target is assigned a targeting value, relative to the targeting criterion of fighter A, but also other parameters (see below).
A will move towards the potential target with the highest targeting value.

Calculation of a targeting value :
B fighter's value = targeting bonus* + riposte bonus + A's active targeting bonus* + B's passive targeting bonus + B's passive targeting skill bonus on A (e.g., B scours A) + temporary passive targeting (inflicted by a skill)
* the targeting bonus and the active targeting bonus are only counted if the targeted fighter is the one closest to the targeting criterion (for example, the one closest to 0% intact).

E5 - Calculating a targeting: the targeting bonus
The targeting bonus is 5.
In case of equality of targeting value between 2 fighters, one of them is targeted and the other one is not, the one who is already targeted takes precedence.

E6 - Calculation of a targeting : the riposte bonus
The riposte bonus is 4.
It applies to any potential target that would already be targeting the fighter making a targeting.

Example of a default tactic: A wants to normally attack one opponent (from among B, C, and D) 0% ESQ (D targeted). Only B is currently attacking A, C and D are doing nothing.
Then A has a bonus of 4 to go on B, 0 to go on C and 5 to go on D.

The riposte works for all types of action, including healing.

Example: A wants to heal a teammate (among B, C and D) with 0% intact (D) and B is currently healing A. C and D do nothing.
Then A has a bonus of 4 to go to B, 0 to go to C and 5 to go to D.

E7 - Calculation of a targeting : the active targeting bonus
The active targeting bonus depends on the skill used by the one who makes the targeting.
This bonus is defined in the game settings (see info and stats page).

For example, if A wants to heal in depth (soigner en profondeur), he has a bonus of 3 to go on his target.
Don't forget that this bonus only applies to the fighter who best meets the targeting criteria.
Thus, this bonus must be considered as a help or a handicap (depending on the skill used) to go towards the fighter you want.

E8 - Calculation of a targeting: the passive targeting bonus
The passive targeting bonus depends on the skill used by the target.
This bonus is defined in the game settings (see the info and stats page).

For example, if B is currently using attack carefully, he has a passive bonus of -1.
This bonus is used in all the targeting calculations of the fighters where B appears as a potential target.

E9 - Targeting calculation: target already engaged in combat
The passive bonus of an already engaged target is -3.
This value is used in the same way as the passive targeting bonus.
This bonus can be added up in case of multiple targeting on the same combatant.
Note however that it does not take into account :
- for yourself (if you are resting or healing)
- if you make a targeting test on a person you were already targeting
In this last case, it is obvious : if B is already targeted by A, then when A makes a targeting test on B, he will not have the "bonus of target occupied by A" to calculate the new targeting value of B...
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Dim 2 Avr 2023, 16:52

Désolé, j'ai été pas mal occupé par ailleurs, du coup j'ai rien fait depuis un moment... t'embête pas pour le moment avec les récompenses. Je te dirai si à un moment j'ai besoin d'un coup de main là-dessus. J'ai déjà pour encore un an de boulot :) Si j'arrive à m'y remettre sérieusement...
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Mar 23 Mai 2023, 06:47

Je vais terminer la traduction des règles dans peu de temps, en attendant, j'ai trouvé une poignée d'annuaires de jeux par navigateurs "similaires" anglophones.

Ca n'a pas été facile mais j'en ai finalement 3 ou 4 qui ont l'air intéressants.
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Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Jeu 1 Juin 2023, 14:08

F - The fight

F1 - Calculating action speed
Action speed = 90000 / ( REF + AGI/2 + END + free ENE )
In the chararacter sheet, it's rounded up to (Action speed / 100)

During combat, actions are determined to the nearest hundredth of a second (= action speed).
If we have just acted at second S1 (=rounded(Action speed/100)), we will act at second S2 = S1 + (v + b1 + b2) where :
- v = action speed
- b1 = temporary bonus or penalty (e.g. anticipation bonus)
- b2 = bonus or malus from the active skill (rapid attack, brutal attack...)

F2 - Oppositional combat tests
Abbreviations :
HIT = Attribute of the fighter
round = rounded up
lvl = level of active skill currently used by fighter
comp(HIT) = HIT attribute bonus of the active skill currently used by fighter
temp(HIT) = temporary HIT bonus, limited in time or number of times (note: this bonus is decremented by 1 each time it is used), on the fighter's ATT attribute
passive(HIT) = passive skill bonus to the HIT attribute
D6 = a random dice roll from 1 to 6

- A attacks B: success if the attack is strictly superior to the opponent's dodge, where attack = [ max(0, max(0,HIT + temp(HIT)) + D6 + passive(HIT) + comp(HIT)) ] and dodge = [ max(0, max(0,DOD + temp(DOD)) + D6 + passive(DOD) + comp(DOD) ].
- A influences by parrying B : success if [ max(0, max(0,HIT + temp(HIT)) + D6 + passive(HIT) + round(lvl/2) ][ max(0, max(0,HIT + temp(HIT)) + D6 + passif(HIT) + comp(HIT) ]
- A influence in covering B: success if [ max(0, max(0,DOD + temp(DOD)) + D6 + passive(DOD) + [ round(lvl/2) ou lvl ] ][ max(0, max(0,DOD + temp(DOD)) + D6 + passive(DOD) + comp(DOD) ]

F3 - Damage calculation
A hits B : damage = max(1, DMG + comp(DMG) + passive(DMG) - max(0, ARM + comp(ARM) + passive(ARM)) + rounding( (attack - dodge) / 5))

F4 - HIT, hit... what's the difference?
HIT corresponds to the value indicated on your fighter card.
Hit = HIT with combat bonus during the fight.

However, we can distinguish between the basic hit value (corresponding to HIT, which can vary) and the skill-modified hit value (corresponding to the combat test requiring the hit):
- basic hit is equal to HIT, except that it can be modified by: negative fatigue (see help on fatigue) and audience intervention. This modification is valid for the entire combat. So, in the next round, a value in brackets appears in the character's sheet to indicate the modified HIT value. This is the value used for "%HIT" targeting tests.
- combat test hit (also called attack when it's a physical attack): this corresponds to the basic hit value modified by the various bonuses and penalties from the fighter's active and passive skills, or those inflicted by other fighters.

The same principle applies to other characteristics, with a few exceptions. The base value is modified when a skill has an impact on combat duration (e.g. FP, HP).

F5 - Duration of active skill bonuses
A fighter's active skill bonus applies from the moment the skill is used until the fighter's next action.
For example, if your fighter makes a full attack on an opponent, he will have +5 to hit thanks to his level 10 in this skill. Before he acts again, his opponent will influence him by parrying. So your fighter will still have his +5 to hit to counter the parry.

F6 - Fatigue
As long as it is positive, fatigue has no impact (positive or negative) on combat characteristics or tests.
When a combat message indicates that the fighter is tired, it means that his fatigue has just become negative. At this point, the fighter "draws" on his physical resources to avoid falling from fatigue. Here's what happens:
Let F be the current fatigue value (for example, F = -2).
- ACT is increased by -F hundredths of a second.
- DOD, HIT and DMG are decreased by -F.
The effects are cumulative with each message and remain valid for the duration of the fight.

Fatigue KO:
If DOD, HIT or DMG are reduced to 0, the fighter is knocked out due to fatigue.
To calculate the recovery days due to fatigue KO, please refer to the seniority calculation help (D4 - Seniority).
Note that you cannot have any of these three attributes below 1 at the start of a round.

FP regain between rounds:
At the end of a round, if the fight is not over for the fighter, the latter regains a quarter of the fatigue he is missing.

Celui là était un casse tête mais je pense avoir utilisé les bons termes et abréviations comme indiqué sur la page précédente de ce fil. :siffloter:
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Lun 5 Juin 2023, 08:44

G1 - The tournament
The tournament consists of duels between teams.

- Each team shall subscribe 4 fighters.
- Grand Tournament: a team which took part in the previous tournament cannot pre-register. It may register if it has a higher priority than the other registered teams. Otherwise priority depends on victories in previous tournaments.
- Challengers tournament: to enter or pre-register for this tournament, priority is given to teams of lower glory.
- All Stars Tournament: to register or pre-register, priority is given to the highest-ranking teams.

Before the tournament
- As long as the tournament hasn't started, fighters shall go on with their usual battles.
- The tournament starts when registration is full.
- You cannot unregister. Putting an account on vacation does not cancel registration or scheduled fights.
- Bets: anyone can make a bet on the winners of each phase of the tournament. The prize is 100 + 5 * (number of bets) Credits, to be shared between the best bets. The prize is doubled if the winners made a pergfect bet (no error in any phase of the tournament).

- Tournament fights take place in a single round with no time limit (but after the equivalent of 3 rounds, i.e. 1800s, each action (including resting) will tire the fighters more and more).
- It is not possible to die in a tournament. Similarly, you can't sell a fighter registered in a tournament.

- In addition to normal winnings, teams receive a bonus (in credits) that increases with each tournament phase.
- Winning fighters also gain a number of fans equal to the number of fights they have won in the tournament.
- Risk bonus: registered teams receive a bonus at the start of the tournament (when registration is closed), depending on their glory ranking. The highest-ranked receives nothing, the next 2 Cr. then 4 Cr. etc., and the lowest-ranked receives a sum of 2 * (number of registered teams - 1) Credits. This bonus is intended to motivate the lowest-ranked teams to come and try their luck in the tournament.

G2 - Missions
This is a single-player mode, available to every fighter in recovery or free phase, accessible via the "Missions" tab of the fighter's file.
- You can choose to open a mission book for your fighter, using the notes and comments associated with the book.
- You can close a mission book at any time, but you lose everything you've done since the beginning (you don't get back any end-of-chapter bonuses you've already earned). You lose nothing if the book has already been completed once by your fighter.
- Missions are symbolized by round buttons on the image of the open chapter: a gray button for a mission not yet completed; a green button for a completed mission. To open the mission, click on the button.
- A mission is a story and a fight with an objective to achieve. The combat takes a maximum of 1200 seconds. If you fail a new mission, you can retry it immediately, as many times as you like. Tactical adjustment and equipment can be very important.
- Once you've successfully completed a new mission, you must wait until you've played a multiplayer battle before you can play the next mission (but you can always replay missions you've already completed).
- Gains are obtained when you finish a chapter (training xp gain) or the book (equipment gain).
- When you've finished a book, you can evaluate it using the symbol displayed at the bottom of the mission tab page (a pencil writing in a book).

G3 - Rankings
The rankings are drawn up each night at the end of the bouts.

Here's how the rankings are drawn up:
- most glorious: fighters are ranked in descending order of fighter glory (= number of fans). In the event of a tie, the lowest seniority is ranked highest.
- most victorious: fighters are ranked in descending order of victory. In the event of a tie, the highest number of draws takes precedence, followed by the lowest number of defeats, then the highest number of ko inflicted on opponents.
- finishers: fighters are ranked in descending order of the number of ko inflicted on their opponents. In the event of a tie, the highest number of victories takes precedence, followed by the highest number of draws, then the lowest number of defeats.
- killers: fighters are ranked in descending order of the number of kills committed. In the event of a tie, the highest number of wins takes precedence, followed by the highest number of draws, then the lowest number of losses.
- Efficiency: fighters are ranked in descending order of the ratio ( number of victories / number of combat rounds ). In the event of a tie, the highest number of wins takes precedence, followed by the highest number of draws, then the lowest number of losses.

Calculating trends (displayed in a tooltip):
- if the daily ranking is better than the previous day's, then: either the progression was already positive, in which case a point is added, or it was negative, in which case it is reduced to 1.
- if the day's ranking is worse than the previous day's, then: either the progression was negative, in which case one point is deducted, or it was positive, in which case it is reduced to -1.

Calculating best progression :
- to appear in the best progression table, you must first have been present on the 1st of the month in the corresponding ranking.
- progression is calculated between the current day's ranking number and that of the 1st of the month
- on the 1st of the month, at the end of the fights, for each ranking category, the fighters with the best progression obtain a bonus of 50 Credits.

G4 - Browser compatibility
While every effort has been made to make this game accessible from all browsers, only the most up-to-date version of Firefox is recommended. Bugs should be fairly limited on other browsers, with the notable exception of most versions of Internet Explorer. If you notice any strange behavior, especially display behavior, try another browser. (Works just fine with Chrome and Brave as well)

G5 - Warnings to players
- this is a long-term game (several years!); don't expect to become the best overnight! It takes time and patience. (6 to 12 month for a Tournament 2 competitive team, 18 to 24 month for the tournament number 1)
- you can invest a considerable amount of time every day (forum, tactics, messages, reading battles, spreadsheet simulations, etc.): don't let yourself get overwhelmed, or you'll quickly lose interest in the game! The game is designed so that you can play it even if you spend very little time on it.
- Unlike other multiplayer games, you don't need to spend any time in the game for your team to evolve: your fighters can fight automatically without you. However, you should visit at least once a month, otherwise your team will be put on "vacation".
- if the style of the game doesn't suit you, move on. You can't please everyone, and there's something for everyone. Always be fair to other players. If you're irritated, go somewhere else and take a deep breath. It's fun to have enemies, to tease them, etc., but you have to stay "in the game" and always respect the player.
- Ask other players on the forum for help when you don't understand. And be confident: day after day, you'll learn to understand the game better.
-Join a Clan where you'll find invaluable info and a family to give you hints and protect your fighters during day to day combats.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Mar 6 Juin 2023, 14:37

(A corriger à partir de H5 )

H - Public Data

H1 - For whom? For what?

Who is it for?
For anyone familiar with spreadsheets (Excel, etc.) or programming (MySQL, etc.).

What is it for?
To create your own statistics or other displays from the game's public data.

H2 - How do I gather the data?

The data are in the following files: ... ttants.csv ... curies.csv ... cacite.csv ... isseur.csv ... gloire.csv ... _tueur.csv ... ctoire.csv ... _clans.csv ... u_jour.csv ... _morts.csv ... combat.csv ... ichage.csv ... s_jour.csv

You can direct these files to any website (or from home) to use them.

H3 - Understanding clan statistics

File: extract_stats_clans.csv

0: clan not open to registration
1: clan is open for registration

Name of image file, located here: images/avatars/upload/

H4 - Understanding daily stable statistics

File: stats_ecuries_jour.csv

Cumulative combat earnings in credit since the beginning of the month.

H5 - Understanding the day's combat status

File: extract_etat_combats_du_jour.csv

Combat identifier.

1 :Duel
21 :Challenge (team side)
22 :Challenge (challenger side)
3 :Team duel
4 :Last survivor
5 :Last survivor per team


Team number.

Combat phase
0 : physical preparation
1 : tactical preparation for round 1
2: tactical preparation for round 2

...and so on (may exceed 3, in the case of clan combat)

Kos performed by the fighter in the previous round (fatigue or life ko)

Sequence of team defeats, used to define end-of-fight bonuses in the order in which they were lost.

0: in normal combat
1: in tournament
2: in clan combat

H6 - Understanding the combat summary

File: extract_resume_de_combat.csv

Incremental sequence used to find the order of actions.

Round up this figure divided by 100 to obtain the timing in seconds of the fight.


Type of action performed:
1: survival (1)
2: destructuration (1)
3: hardening (1)
4: mental strength (1)
5: splitting (1)
6: homunculus (1)
7: anticipation (1)
8: aging (1)
9: handling (1)
10: electric fields (1)
11 : attack
21 : care
31: influence by taunting (1)
32 : influence by parrying
33: influence by feinting (1)
34: influence by disrupting (1)
35: influence by covering (1)
42: rest effectively
100: targeting
-81: win
-82: defeat
-104: fatigue ko
-105 : fatigue
-110 : life ko
-120 : death

(1) For these skills, val_reussite is the skill level divided by 10 and rounded up.


value associated with the action:

negative: failure

empty: event unrelated to success or not

positive: success

H7 - Understanding the tournament

File: extract_tournoi_affichage.csv


teams are placed in the tournament in order of this number (the smallest number is the first to appear in the tournament).


rank where the team went in the tournament. 0 = tournament winner, 1 = final, 2 = semi-final...


1 = victory (reserved for the winner of the final); 2 = defeat


additional win in Cr. for each fighter in the event of victory in the next fight.

Note that a negative or zero number may appear opposite the team that won the tournament: this indicates that the tournament has just ended.
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Messages: 594
Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Dim 12 Nov 2023, 19:27

Bon, depuis ma dernière mise à jour de février, j'avais avancé un peu sur la traduction des spécialités, mais je dois avouer que j'avais pas bcp avancé. Donc voilà, nouvelle mise à jour avec les spécialités. Il me reste à traduire les effets des compétences et spécialisations dans les info-bulles.
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Atanarjuat » Jeu 14 Mar 2024, 08:47

Je respire un peu, je vais avoir plus de temps, dis-moi de quoi tu as besoin, sinon, je jetterai un oeil à ce qui est en cours d'ici une ou deux semaines.
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Inscription: Mer 21 Sep 2022, 12:11

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Mohja » Mar 9 Avr 2024, 06:57

Salut !

Je passe pas souvent sur le fofo ces dernières semaines, le boulot se détend légèrement, par contre j'ai des gros travaux chez moi, du coup j'ai pas bcp avancé.
Difficile pour toi de m'aider, là je me suis arrêté pour le moment aux 2/3 des traductions des équipements. Comme je n'ai rien livré sur les équipements, tu ne peux pas savoir où j'en suis.

J'avance vraiment au rythme d'une tortue...
Mohja, fondateur de l'Arène Challengers.
- je suis le maîîîîître ! Et toi, qui es-tu ? -
Messages: 5912
Inscription: Sam 30 Aoû 2008, 08:33

Re: Traduction en cours

Messagede Oxyres » Mar 9 Avr 2024, 10:06

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